Gender: Social Inclusion in the Energy Sector | Online Resources for Integrating Gender into Energy Operations STEP 2



Step 2 | Gender Action Plan

The findings of the gender assessment should inform a Gender Action Plan (GAP). The GAP sets out a program to implement the recommendations of the gender assessment by defining specific activities, milestones, and performance indicatiors through a monitoring and evaluation framework. 


In many cases the GAP has elements of both institutional cpacity building and actions targeted at project-affected people and beneficiaries. It is important that the GAP should not be seen as a stand-alone document but integrated into the energy project appraisal and implementation plan.


Results and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Tools






Gender Integrated Results Framework | Download Resource

Identifies project development goals and outcome indicators.

World Bank, 2005. Gender Issues in Monitoring and Evaluation in Rural Development: A Tool Kit (Gender and Development Group, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management and Gender and Rural Development Thematic Group, Agriculture and Rural Development)

Developing a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for |  Download Resource 

This tool can be used to develop a monitoring and evaluation framework at the project appraisal development stage.

UNDP, 2007. Gender Mainstreaming in Practice: A Toolkit.

World Bank, 2009. Gender Issues in Monitoring and Evaluation, Module 16 in "Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook."

Energia/Norad, 2012. Policy Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation, Training Course "Mainstreaming Gender in the Energy Sector."

(GVEP) Global Village Energy Partnership, 2006. A Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation for Energy Projects, Monitoring and Evaluation in Energy for Development (M&EED) International working group.

Developing Gender Sensitive Indicators | Download Resource

Defines project related indicators.

ENERGIA, 2005. Adapted from Gender Face of Energy (Module 2), Gender Tools for Energy Projects (

Identification of Gender Goals | Download Resource

Identifies the gender goals of important stakeholders based on (a) stakeholders’ general policy statements on gender and (b) the project concept note or project appraisal.

ENERGIA, 2005. Adapted from Gender Face of Energy (Module 2), Gender Tools for Energy Projects (

Gender Action Plan Examples |

Download Resource

Example:ADB Financed Nepal Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy – Gender Action Plan

 Example:Forthcoming (Africa Gender and Energy Program Country Pilots – Mali, Senegal, Tanzania, Benin and Kenya Action Plans | Download Resource (forthcoming)

Social Development Department, World Bank, 2010.

Making Energy Work for Women and Men Tools for Task Teams.

Project Gender Action Plans, ADB,From  2009













Project Gender Action Plans | Lessons for Achieving Gender Equality and Poverty Reduction Results

This briefing note summarizes evidence on effective approaches used by ADB for achieving benefits for women and progress towards gender equality. The findings are based on gender assessments of 12 loans in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, and Pakistan and including five rural development loans (agriculture, rural infrastructure, and livestock), four human development and/or social sector loans (two health and two education), and three governance loans.


This briefing summarizes evidence on effective approaches used by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for achieving benefits for women and progress towards gender equality.










Sample TORs 





 Gender: Social Inclusion in the Energy Sector>> Online Resources

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