Annual Reports
The ESMAP Annual Report 2015 takes a comprehensive look at ESMAP's programs, activities, and results for Fiscal Year 2015. The first chapter highlights our work for the year, followed by chapters each giving an overview of FY2015 activities and results in ESMAP’s main program areas: clean energy, energy access, energy efficient cities, and energy assessments and strategies. The report also includes sections on special initiatives such as the SIDS DOCK Support Program for small island developing states; the Africa Renewable Energy and Access Program (AFREA); Gender and Social Inclusion in the Energy Sector; and Results-Based Approaches to energy sector development.
Chapter 10 covers Asia Sustainable and Alternative Energy Program (ASTAE) developments for the fiscal year, including regional and country-specific highlights and achievements. The final chapter (Chapter 11) provides a financial overview of the three energy trust funds covered by the report: ESMAP, ASTAE, and SIDS DOCK.
The annexes to the annual report include: proceedings of the trust fund donor meetings; ESMAP and ASTAE results, including outcomes and outputs achieved and World Bank Group operations informed; a list of completed, new, and ongoing activities; and publications completed during the fiscal year.
World Bank. 2015. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) Annual Report 2015. Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group.