Annual Reports
Energy is at the heart of development. It makes possible the investments, innovations, human capital development, and new industries that are the engines of jobs, inclusive growth, and shared prosperity for entire economies. At the same time, the world faces the existential challenge of global climate change. The World Bank’s ability to respond to energy challenges and client demand has been supported by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP).
This year, an additional global crisis arrived in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the World Bank pivoted to provide an emergency response, the challenge for its energy sector activity has been to support the delivery of critical energy services while laying the groundwork for an environmentally and socially sustainable economic recovery and long-term growth trajectory.
This report is arranged as follows: Section I describes ESMAP’s pandemic response; Section II follows the same structure, reporting on ESMAP activities within each workstream during FY2020 and summarizes the cumulative achievements during the FY2017-20 Business Plan; and Section III contains a Financial Review, including a breakdown of lending activities by region and thematic area.
Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) Annual Report 2020 (English). Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group.