ESMAP electricity access program supports the scale-up of a comprehensive approach by the World Bank Group that includes innovative technologies, business models, policy and planning, and leverages public and private financing. ESMAP supports the development of national strategies and integrated least-cost planning for universal electricity access, resulting in sector-wide programs, incorporating grid, mini grids, and off-grid technologies. It includes some of the largest electrification investment programs, such as in Ethiopia, Kenya, Myanmar, and Nigeria. ESMAP’s access program also ensures that future energy access efforts are more inclusive and impactful to allow to leave no one behind and to foster the socio-economic benefits of electrification.
ESMAP has put the building blocks in place for a significant electrification scale-up and amplified impacts. How do we do it?
Clean Cooking Fund | Financial Innovation for Energy Access | Global Facility on Mini Grids | Improving Livelihoods and Human Capital | Integrated Electrification Planning | Leaving No One Behind | Off-Grid Solar Scale-Up