
Livewire: Results-Based Financing to Promote Clean Stoves: Initial Lessons from Pilots in China and Indonesia


Live Wire

series of online knowledge notes is an initiative of the World Bank Group’s Energy

and Extractives Global Practice, reflecting the emphasis on knowledge management and solu-

tions-oriented knowledge that is emerging from the ongoing change process within the Bank



Live Wire

delivers, in 3–6 attractive, highly readable pages, knowledge that is immediately

relevant to front-line practitioners.

Live Wires

take a variety of forms:

Topic briefs

offer technical knowledge on key issues in energy and extractives

Case studies

highlight lessons from experiences in implementation

Global trends

provide analytical overviews of key energy and extractives data

Bank views

portray the Bank Group’s activities in the energy and extractives sectors

Private eyes

present a private sector perspective on topical issues in the field


Live Wire

will be peer-reviewed by seasoned practitioners in the Bank. Once a year, the

Energy and Extractives Global Practice takes stock of all notes that appeared, reviewing their

quality and identifying priority areas to be covered in the following year’s pipeline.

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