Consultant Technical Review, Philippines, Risø National Laboratory for ASTAE. This report presents the findings of the review of a 30MW wind farm in the northern Philippines being developed by PNOC-EDC. The review scope is limited to a desk review of some of the tender documents and the annual energy production estimate made by PNOC-EDC. In general, it is the reviewers’ opinion that the documents provide the correct framework for a successful project and sufficient energy analysis for the financial investment. However, a major exception is the specification of the wind turbine itself, which appears to allow a wind turbine that may be inappropriate for the site conditions.
Cronin, Tom, Niels-Erik Clausen, Morten Nielsen, and Erik Jorgensen. 2006. Burgos Wind Farm Project, The Philippines, Technical Desk Review. Riso-1-252 (EN). Riso National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark.