This report was prepared in 1992 consequent to a study conducted during 1990 to 1992 in
association with a distribution planning unit established in the Tanzania Electric Supply
Company (TANESCO). The report is in two volumes; volume 1 deals with the technical studies conducted on transmission and distribution systems and volume 2 deals with non-technical loss issues.
The overall energy losses on the public electricity grid of TANESCO presently amounts to some 21 percent of net generation. System losses commonly divide into two sources (a) technical and (b) nontechnical. Technical losses result from a certain percentage of the power flowing through transmission and distribution systems being converted into heat. The amount of energy so converted is dependent on the physical characteristics of the system and the electrical load imposed on it. Nontechnical losses represent unbilled consumption resulting from inaccurate metering, errors in meter reading and billing as well as from consumer fraud (power theft). Losses result in economic burdens for the country, lower revenues for the utility and the need for unproductive investment in generation, transmission and distribution plant.
UNDP and World Bank. 1998. Tanzania: Power Loss Reduction Study; Volume 2: Transmission and Distribution System Reduction of Non-Technical Losses. ESMAP Report 204B/98. Washington, DC: World Bank.