The final report, Communication Research on Energy Efficiency in India aims at understanding the attitudes of consumers, suppliers and decision makers about EE and gauging the various stakeholders’ informational needs and preferred channels of information on EE issues in India.
The study also maps the various categories of stakeholders in the EE ecosystem which have an impact in identifying, developing, designing and implementing energy conservation activities across major energy consuming sectors in the country.
Worley, Heather B.; Sarkar, Ashok; Mukhi, Neha; Padmanaban, Padu S.; Kumar, Amit; Nair, Jayakrishnan; Soni, Manish. 2016. Communication Research on Energy Efficiency in India: Communication Needs Assessment and Stakeholder Mapping - prepared for the World Bank Energy and Extractives Global practice, South Asia Region. Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group.