Joint ESMAP-SD BBL: Gender in Energy and Extractive Industries: A Briefing for Social and Gender Specialists

April 11, 2013 | BBL: Gender in Energy & Extractive Industries: A Briefing for Social and Gender Specialists


The World Bank has scaled up gender mainstreaming as a corporate priority.  In recognition of the need for greater gender equality to fully realize the potential development impacts of World Bank programs across all of its sectors, following the WDR 2012.


In practice this translates into integrating a gender perspective throughout the project operational cycle improving development outcomes as well as gender equality. In the energy and extractive industries women and men often have vastly different experiences of the risks and environmental and social impacts of the industry, as well as different access to the benefits in terms of jobs, compensation, and community investment. Understanding these differences and reflecting this understanding in design and implementation of project and policy interventions has the potential to increase project and development effectiveness.


ESMAP, the Energy and Mining Sector Board, IFC and the World Bank Social Development Department organized a brown bag lunch on April 11, 2013 to bring together Social, Gender and Energy specialists and provide them with an overview of the energy sector, followed by project and program examples of mainstreaming gender into energy and mining operations.  Susan Wong, Sector Manager for the Social Development Department chaired the event.


Recorded Session






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