This report is the first major survey of Tanzania’s mini-grid sector. In it, we shed light on lessons from Tanzania that can help accelerate mini-grid deployment across countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Our analysis points to three key actions for governments and practitioners across the continent.
This comprehensive study will be valuable to the large and growing community that is banking on mini-grids to transform energy access in Africa: government officials and regulators; entrepreneurs and private investors; and multilateral, bilateral, and philanthropic funders.
Key recommendations, such as streamlining the permitting process and creating a central database on the status of mini-grid initiatives, could provide an action check list for those who wish to accelerate mini-grid development. Mini-grids have potential to be a transformative solution for communities across Sub-Saharan Africa. New technologies, innovative finance models, informed investors, and ambitious government targets are aligning to make rapid growth possible. Now is the time for the region’s energy leaders to review experience to date and act.
Odarno, Lily, Estomih Sawe, Mary Swai, Maneno J.J. Katyega, and Allison Lee. Accelerating Mini-grid Deployment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from Tanzania. Washington, DC: World Resources Institute and TATEDO. ISBN 978-1-56973-923-5.