
ESMAP Conducts a Hands on Workshop on Low Carbon Development
May 17 2010

As part of its knowledge series on low carbon development to equip and guide World Bank staff in integrating climate mitigation considerations into client dialogue and their day to day work, ESMAP co-hosted a ‘Hands on Workshop  on Low Carbon Development’ together with the Climate Change for Development Professionals Program  and Carbon Finance-Assist Program.  The event was held in Washington, D.C on May 6, 2010.


The workshop was designed to equip participants with climate mitigation tips which can be applied to specific country scenarios. The first session of the workshop allowed the participants to understand, i) The context for carbon mitigation and challenges and sectoral opportunities for lowering the carbon footprint out to 2030; ii) Receive a basic overview of low carbon development and related information (including key definitions or concepts) to be used in the next steps; and iii) Compare this context for a number of countries. 


The second session provided a platform to guide participants on the use of currently available resources and tools to take an initial step in identifying and synthesizing relevant information to work in a low carbon development world.


The third session exposed participants to the main parts of the project cycle, to design and propose implementation arrangements for low carbon development assessments, operations/actions or advisory services.


The workshop was opened by Isabel Lavadenz Paccieri, Program Coordinator for Sustainable Development Network - World Bank, while Jane Ebinger, Senior Energy Specialist, ESMAP,  together with John Rogers, a Senior Climate change and Energy Efficiency Specialist, World Bank, served both as facilitators and instructors for the workshop.


Overall, the learning outcomes of the day made participants gain an operational perspective on how to apply climate mitigation measures to various sectors of the economy.  The workshop also, gave participants a chance to reflect on their own experience in project design and assessment, in comparison with the experiences of the experts who led the design and implementation of the case studies.



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