
Good Practices in City Energy Efficiency: Eco2 Cities: Curitiba, Brazil - Cost Is No Barrier to Ecological and Economic Urban Planning, Development, and Management

The case of Curitiba, Brazil, shows that cost is no barrier to ecological and economic urban planning, development, and management. Curitiba has developed a sustainable urban environment through integrated urban planning. To avoid unplanned sprawl, Curitiba directed urban growth linearly along strategic axes, along which the city encouraged high-density commercial and residential development linked to the city’s integrated master plan and land use zoning.

Curitiba adopted an affordable but innovative bus system rather than expensive railways that require significant time to implement. Curitiba’s efficient and well-designed bus system serves most of the urban area, and public transportation (bus) ridership has reached 45 percent. The city now has less traffic congestion, which has reduced fuel consumption and enhanced air quality. The green area has been increased, mainly in parks that have been created to improve flood prevention and through regulations that have enabled the transfer of development rights to preserve green areas and cultural heritage zones.

Eco2 Cities: Ecological Cities as Economic Cities


Part three consists of the Field Reference Guide. The guide contains background literature designed to support cities in developing more in-depth insight and fluency with the issues at two levels. It provides a city-by-city and sector-by-sector lens on urban infrastructure. The next section comprises a series of sector notes, each of which explores sector-specific issues in urban development.






Suzuki, Hiroaki; Dastur, Arish; Moffatt, Sebastian; Yabuki, Nanae; Maruyama, Hinako. 2010. "The Field Reference Guide, Case 1: Curitiba, Brazil." In Eco2 Cities: Ecological Cities as Economic Cities. World Bank. © World Bank.

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