Vietnam’s Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM) hosted a half day workshop to determine an appropriate approach to address climate change in Vietnam. The outcomes of the workshop will be used to inform the design of a low carbon approach for Vietnam’s Ministry of Planning and Investment. The Workshop took place on January 20, 2011, in Hanoi, Vietnam.
The Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) was asked to present its low carbon planning tools and approaches to developing low carbon economies in several countries such as China, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Poland, and South Africa.
The workshop was based on a "Study into the Economics of Low Carbon, Climate-Resilient Development in Vietnam.” The study was prepared with support from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the World Bank.
About 30 Vietnamese government officials and participants from the World Bank, UNDP, AusAID, ADF, DFID and other organizations attended the workshop. Their objective was to learn of existing experience and practices and to discuss opportunities, and to learn from and integrate practices in the context of Vietnam’s planned Low Carbon Climate-Resilient study.
Presentations were delivered by CIEM on the scope of their study and the need to establish a low carbon approach for Vietnam. The US National Renewable Energy Lab talked about its domestic and international experience with low emissions development. Meanwhile, a representative from AusAID presented results of a macroeconomic model based on a low carbon development program study it prepared for the government of Indonesia.
The presentation by ESMAP is attached.