
PUBLISHEDJune 10 2009
Session 9: Monitoring and Evaluation

Electrification scale-up in Africa will require rigorous, yet low-cost and practical monitoring and evaluation to guide the programs, plan and measure impacts, and collect lessons learned for improvements. Monitoring, evaluation, and impact evaluation are vital in determining whether development initiatives, such as rural electrification effectively reduce poverty. In the past there have been many claimed benefits from rural electrification - including gains in productivity, learning and health. This clinic on the impact of rural electrification investments focuses on development outcomes, and whether the assumed benefits can be quantitatively verified. The session presents monitoring and evaluation tools and components that work and typical conclusions that can be drawn from evidence-based evaluation.

Africa Electrification Initiative Workshop

Session1: Grid Extension

Session 2: Offgrid Business Models

Session 3: Hybrid Electrification Models

Session 4: Rural Electrification Agency and Rural Electrification Fund

Session 5: Grid Intensification, Innovation and Cost

Session 6: Offgrid Technology and Lighting Africa

Session 7: Can Master Plans Work?

Session 8: Pro Access Regulation

Session 9: Monitoring and Evaluation

Session 10: Enhancing Impact

Session 11: Financing and Subsidies for Utilities

Session 12: Financing (and subsidies) for Small Providers and Renewable Energy

Session 13: User Financing via Micro Finance Institutions (MFI) and Utility Bills

Session 14: Institutional and Financial Aspects of a Rural Electrification Experience: Tunisia

Session 15: An Energy Subsidy Clinic: How to Design and Improve Access Subsidies

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