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The Regulatory Indicators for Sustainable Energy (RISE) data platform, developed by the World Bank's Energy Global Practice with support from ESMAP. 

Reducing energy subsidies can have a substantial impact on the budgets of developing countries, but reform can be incredibly challenging for country governments. 

Scale-up investments in geothermal power assisted Turkey in securing CleanTechnology Fund and IBRD co-financing for a major geothermal investment project.Along with partners, we launched the globally-applicable, harmonized standards for…

At less than 2%, Liberia has one of the world's lowest rates of electrification. Expanding access to reliable and affordable electricity, particularly to the rural poor, is one of Liberia's topmost priorities

Mini grids hold a great promise for electrifying remote areas in regions such as Sub Saharan Africa and Asia and help countries reach their energy access goals.

Urban energy efficiency is crucial for Mexico to achieve its energy and climate change goals. A new Municipal Energy Efficiency Project will finance the design and implementation of investments in several Mexican cities across the…