The Challenge
Approximately 13% of global CO2 emissions are linked to the use of subsidized fossil fuels. Subsidies are expensive, lead to overuse of fossil fuels, can deter private sector investment, and undermine climate change mitigation efforts. More importantly, they often fail to help the poor. In spite of this, reforming subsidies can be a complex, often politically unpopular process for many countries. The Energy Sector Management Assistance (ESMAP) has developed tools to assess decision-making; facilitating knowledge-exchange for a global community of reformers and to provide technical assistance to governments through its Energy Subsidies Reform initiative.
About this Event
The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) from Switzerland together with ESMAP will host a two-day conference on energy subsidy reforms and their implications for developing countries. The event is by invitation only, and it will follow the Chatham House Rule to allow for an open and candid exchange of views. All social media messaging will contain no specific information on participants or discussions particular to any one organization, partner, country or government.
- Facilitate peer-to-peer learning, by showcasing country experiences on the design, implementation, and impact of energy subsidy reforms.
- Inform the design and implementation of energy subsidy reforms that aim to reduce fiscal stress and improve sector performance while providing incentives for greater energy efficiency and increasing the use of renewable energy.
- Present recent country experiences, research and analytical tools that can help practitioners design and implement sustainable energy subsidy reforms.
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